I’m Megan, I’m 24, and this website is my pride and joy.

There is no concealed motive for creating Megan’s Day. I just enjoy it.

I am a language and literature enthusiast, a romanticist, so transforming my thoughts into a collection of beautiful words fills me with gratification.

I devised an anonymous blog when I was 19, and it was an anthology of everything that was going on in my heart and brain. There was no following which for me, was fine, I’ve never had the desire for my writing to be publicly consumed.

I decided to compose a public blog once I had determined just how much I relied on other blogs for self-help purposes. I am encouraging nobody but myself by retaining my thoughts, and so Megan’s Day was developed.

We all have a voice and we are all guilty of not utilising it enough for a greater purpose, so I intend to use mine.

For the time being, Megan’s Day shall remain a compilation of discussions for the things that I feel need to be said, but I would like to think that I will venture out into other fields in the future should my life become a bit more exciting.

Thanks for choosing to be a part of the conversation.
